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Boom completes construction of Overture supersonic aircraft manufacturing plant

By June 18, 2024 12:09 pmConstructeurs

At the heart of the aviation of the future, Boom proudly announces the completion of construction of its plant dedicated to the manufacture of Overture supersonic aircraft. This innovative project promises to revolutionize air transport and open up new prospects for the aeronautics industry.

Boom completes construction of its Overture plant

find out how boom completed the construction of its supersonic overture factory and enter the era of high-tech aeronautics.

Construction of the Overture supersonic aircraft by Boom Supersonic is finally complete. Located in North Carolina, this brand-new infrastructure is destined to revolutionize air transport by reintroducing supersonic flights, which have disappeared since the era of Concorde.

A leap forward for aviation

The completion of this plant positions Boom Supersonic as a pioneer in the commercial aviation sector. The multi-hectare Overture plant is designed to optimize the production of new supersonic aircraft. The first flight of the Overture, scheduled for 2029, promises to revolutionize modern aviation standards.

Cutting-edge technology and innovation

The plant is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure efficient, environmentally-friendly production. Manufacturing processes incorporate advanced composite materials and robotized assembly techniques. In addition, Boom Supersonic relies on a eco-responsible design with engines designed to minimize CO2 emissions.

Implications for the aeronautics industry

The completion of this project marks a milestone for the aeronautics industry. It could encourage other manufacturers to follow Boom's lead in developing faster, more environmentally-friendly aircraft. Major companies such as Latécoère are already working with Boom Supersonic to optimize the production of Overture components.

Prospects for passengers

Travellers can look forward to a significant reduction in flight times. With speeds up to 2.2 times that of sound, the Overture will connect destinations in record time, making business and leisure travel more convenient. What's more, comfort on board Overture aircraft will benefit from the latest innovations in interior design.

🚀 Completed manufacturing plant
🌍 Located in North Carolina
🌐 Reintroducing supersonic flight
🛠️ Advanced technologies and composite materials
♻️ Eco-friendly design and eco-friendly engines
✈️ First flight scheduled for 2029
👩‍🔬 Collaboration with Latécoère
Significantly reduced flight times
💺 Enhanced passenger comfort
🔧 Robotic assembly techniques


The Overture supersonic aircraft manufacturing plant is already completed and ready to start production.

The aim is to build supersonic aircraft capable of considerably reducing flight times between different destinations.

The first commercial flight of the Overture is scheduled for 2029.

Overture aircraft are mainly made from advanced composite materials to ensure lightness and robustness.

Boom Supersonic designs eco-responsible engines to minimize CO2 emissions during supersonic flight.

The plant is located in North Carolina.

Companies like Latécoère are working with Boom Supersonic to develop the Overture.

Overture aircraft will reach speeds 2.2 times faster than the speed of sound.

Passengers will benefit from significantly reduced flight times and enhanced on-board comfort.

The plant uses state-of-the-art technologies, including robotized assembly techniques.

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