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PEGASUS, the new German signal interception platform integrated into the Global 6000, is making great strides.

By June 5, 2024 4:04 pmDéfense

At the heart of aeronautics and advanced technology, the PEGASUS platform fascinates and impresses with its innovative capabilities. Integrated into the Global 6000, it represents the perfect marriage of performance and advanced engineering. Let's discover together the spectacular advances of this German signal interception tool, a symbol of boundless ingenuity.

Significant progress for the PEGASUS program

discover pegasus, the new german signal interception platform integrated into the global 6000, which is making great strides forward.

The program PEGASUS (Persistent German Airborne Surveillance System) is making significant progress. This ambitious project, to be launched in 2021, is the fruit of collaboration between Hensoldt, Lufthansa Technik Defence and Bombardier Defence. These three entities have joined forces to provide Germany with a new airborne surveillance capability.

First successes in Wichita

The first of the three Global 6000 has rolled off Bombardier Defense's modification line in Wichita, Kansas. The aircraft has undergone major structural modifications to accommodate the Signals Intelligence System (SIGINT). Kaltron Integraldeveloped by Hensoldt. The other two aircraft in the fleet are currently being modified at the same facility.

Advanced integration in Hamburg

The role of Lufthansa Technik Defence doesn't stop there. The company is responsible for the final integration of the SIGINT system at its specialist aircraft competence center in Hamburg. The aim is to ensure that the aircraft meets the highest standards of electromagnetic surveillance.

A strong comeback for the Bundeswehr

The PEGASUS program aims to restore the Bundeswehr the capability it lost in 2010 with the withdrawal of the Breguet Atlantic SIGINT. The first aircraft in the program should be operational in 2026, followed by the other two before the end of 2028.

Massive investment

The technical and operational scope of this project is reflected in its budget, estimated at over one billion euros. This substantial investment demonstrates the strategic importance of this surveillance capability for Germany.

Program milestones

Here are the key stages of the PEGASUS program:

  • 2021 : Launch of the program
  • 2023: Structural modifications to the first Global 6000 in Wichita
  • 2026: First operational aircraft
  • 2028: Complete delivery of the three aircraft

In summary, the PEGASUS program is a crucial step in modernizing Germany's signals intelligence capabilities, with significant progress already achieved and future steps well planned.

El-Adjim Baddani

Hello, my name is El-Adjim and I am 28 years old. I'm an aeronautical engineer. Welcome to my website, where I share my passion for aeronautics and my expertise in the field. Come and discover my projects and achievements in the fascinating world of aviation!

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