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Lufthansa receives EU approval to acquire 41 %s from ITA Airways

By July 3, 2024 4:01 pmCompagnies

German airline Lufthansa recently obtained EU approval to acquire 41 % shares in ITA Airways, a new Italian airline. This decision marks a turning point in the European aviation sector, and paves the way for new collaborations between these two major players in air transport.

lufthansa authorized by the european union to acquire 41 % from ita airways. find out more about this acquisition and its implications for the airline industry.

The European Union has given the green light to Lufthansa for the acquisition of 41 % ofITA Airways. This decision marks an important milestone for the European aviation sector, consolidating Lufthansa's position in the market.

Acquisition context

After several months of negotiations and careful evaluation, the EU's decision enables Lufthansa to strengthen its presence in Europe. Italy. This acquisition is a strategic move to strengthen air links and open up new economic prospects.

Benefits for both companies

The acquisition brings several advantages for both parties. For Lufthansa, it means network expansion and greater ability to compete with other European airlines. ITA Airways, for its part, will benefit from Lufthansa's expertise and financial strength.

Reactions from stakeholders

Reactions were varied. On the one hand, trade unions have voiced their support for this operation, believing it could stabilize employment. On the other, some analysts remain sceptical about the long-term impact on consumers.

Conditions imposed by the EU

The EU's green light comes with certain conditions designed to maintain fair competition. Lufthansa will have to relinquish certain slots and implement corrective measures to avoid distorting the market.

Future prospects

With this acquisition, Lufthansa plans to launch new routes and boost tourism between Germany and Italy. It could also lead to a reduction in ticket prices thanks to increased competition and better optimization of resources.

Brief list of implications

  • Lufthansa : Network expansion, strengthening competitiveness
  • ITA Airways Financial stability, new growth opportunities
  • Controllers : Maintaining competition, stepping up surveillance
  • Consumers : Potential for lower prices, new destinations

Impact on the European Aviation Market

This acquisition could trigger a major reorganization of the European aviation sector. Other airlines may have to consolidate their positions to remain competitive.

To find out more about this decision, read the detailed articles in Euronews and Le Journal de L'Aviation.

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