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Flight cancellation: how to get your money back from your airline?

By August 6, 2021 11:21 pmCompagnies

A cancelled flight is one of the most unexpected events for a traveller. This situation can arise for a variety of reasons. The most important thing is to know how to get your money back from the airline. You may be able to recover part or all of the cost of your ticket. However, this refund is subject to certain conditions and respect for your rights.

How do I get my money back?

The flight ticket compensation process is neither systematic nor automatic. It is settled at the request of the passenger, who submits a claim. This can be done by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the company's customer service department. In this case, use the letter templates provided by the Institut National de la Consommation. Claims can also be made directly online on the company's platform.

In both cases, we recommend that you enclose all documents relating to the formalities for the cancelled flight. These include :

  • your electronic ticket ;
  • reservation recognition ;
  • boarding pass (if you have received one) ;
  • the certificate provided by the airline in the event of an incident;
  • luggage tags.

You'll also need to enclose receipts for the various expenses incurred, etc.

What does the law say about flight cancellations?

A canceled flight is one that was due to depart, but has been postponed due to an incident. Postponement normally involves changes to the flight number. In this case, the courts provide for a minimum restitution of your ticket, whatever the destination. They also provide for compensation for damages (financial and/or moral).


For flights to European countries, special rights apply. These benefits are granted to passengers who have purchased their ticket in an EU member state. This right is also granted to passengers from Iceland, Norway or Switzerland. It also applies to passengers returning from these countries on a European airline. In all these cases, the airline must offer its passengers re-routing on another aircraft to the intended destination. This is done under similar flight conditions. It can also refund tickets within 7 days.


The airline may offer a flat-rate compensation of €250 for flights of less than 1,500 km. The rate is €400 for flights between 1,500 and 3,000 km. For flights over 3,500 km, the rate is around €600. In the event of re-routing, the airline is responsible for all the passenger's costs. This solution has been established by the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes. However, the airline is released from its obligation to cover the passenger's costs if the passenger opts for a flight refund.

Marc Leonelli

Hello, my name is Olivier and I'm 37 years old. I'm an airline pilot and I've had a passion for aviation since I was a child. Welcome to my website, where I share my experience, my adventures and my passion for flying. I look forward to helping you discover the world through my pilot's eyes.

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