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In search of its own identity, the business aviation show looks to the future

By May 28, 2024 8:01 pmAéroports

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of the business aviation show, in search of its own identity. Come and discover the fascinating questions that drive this major event in the aeronautical sector.

The turbulent global context

discover the challenges of identity in the world of business aviation at this unique show. meet professionals and explore emerging trends in this exciting sector.

In a globalized environment marked by numerous conflictsparticularly in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as by high interest rates which, although falling with inflation, remain an economic drag, thebusiness aviation is struggling to regain its former dynamism. Geopolitical and financial complications are accentuating the challenges for an industry already in the hot seat.

Withdrawal of big names

This year, two industry giants, Bombardier and Gulfstreamhave chosen not to take part in the Geneva show, preferring to use other events to promote their business jets. This withdrawal is partly due to the fear of an attack by activists during the event, but also points to a deeper reflection on the effectiveness and relevance of their presence at this type of gathering.

Enhanced safety measures

In response to potential threats organizers to ensure the protection of all participants. Right from the opening, visitors were able to observe an impressive array of security measures, reflecting the uncertain times facing the industry. These adjustments became necessary to ensure the smooth running of the show, but their impact on the overall atmosphere was noticeable.

The challenges facing a show in search of renewal

This complex context has prompted the business aviation show to reconsider its future. identity and its raison d'être. Several questions remain unanswered:

  • How can we attract the big names in the industry once again?
  • What format should we adopt to meet today's expectations?
  • What role can we play in the face of increasing competition from other global events?

Through these questions, the show seeks to redefine its place in a changing sector, while attempting to reinvent itself to remain relevant and attractive.

Emeline Dudoura

Hello, my name is Emeline and I'm 44 years old. After having been a flight attendant for many years, I'm currently retraining. Passionate about service and discovery, I'd now like to put my skills at the service of new professional opportunities. Welcome to my website!

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